Mad Mischief, based on a true story, centers on the story of one woman who faces and recovers from the crisis of bi-polar disorder. The heroine, Sarah, valiantly faces her situation and while going through a difficlut journey, in the end finds finds her way out of the dark hole and is able to re-create an empowered life. This feat however involves a tremendous commitment of Sarah towards her will to heal.
And herein lies the heart of what it takes to regain a healthy balanced life – the commitment towards one’s healing. That must come first and foremost. When one has this, one can find the tools it takes to recover.
One of my passions is helping to raise awareness around this subject and particularly supporting those are diagnosed with bi-polar find the tools they need to recover. I will be covering this subject over several blog posts, as it is a lengthy subject.
Here is one tool that I wholly recommend:
Family-Focused Therapy (FFT) focuses on bipolar disorder education and treats the patient and their family members or loved ones. It includes information on how to recognize the warning signs of bipolar episodes, problem-solving skills training, and communication strategies for resolving any family issues that may emerge as a result of bipolar episodes. Many psychiatrists believe that when bipolar disease causes tension in the family, family therapy can be highly helpful.
Patients with severe bipolar disorder who engaged in FFT showed a considerable improvement in their course of illness, according to studies. Patients who underwent FFT experienced nearly half as many depression episodes as those who only took medication. Patients may be hesitant to seek therapy because they believe they are a burden to their families, according to many doctors FFT can help families better understand bipolar disorder and aid their loved ones.
This I believe is one key and central tool to utilize right away when beginning a path of recovery.