Focus On Women Magazine has graciously invited Susan St. John to be a member of their esteemed “La Femme De Prose Books.” Launched in 2009, this bi-monthly publication has dedicated itself to serving the needs of women in every area of their life from personal, social, health-related, cultural and professional. Their unique e-bookstore, La Femme De Prose, features women writers who share knowledge, inspiration, and education in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Furthermore, a portion of the sales of Mad Mischief will be donated to the Afghan Women’s Fund which provides education, employment training and support for social activism to women who have been oppressed and violated by their culture. Susan is thrilled to be a part of this re-gifting circle and to expand her readership to more women and those who care about women’s issues. Stay tuned for the link to be able to purchase your copy of Mad Mischief through this venue!